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How to join as member?

You can send us your letter of motivation at info@naukafoundation.org and wait for our reply.


How can I donate?

One-time and recurring donations can be made by accessing the donate button on our homepage.


How can I be a partner?

We encourage partnerships for different initiatives. Send us an email with your requirements at info@naukafoundation.org.

What kind of culture and team we want to build ? +
We are working on building an ecosystem beyond human-made boundaries. Our culture encourages diversity & inclusion, collaboration, adaptability, creativity, and integrity. We provide a flexible work environment with remote working opportunities based on the project.
What are our core values? +
1. Creativity- We promote a culture of creative solutions and ideas throughout the organization.
2. Learning- We encourage learning and challenging the status quo through research, observation, collaboration, and reflection.
3. Diversity and Inclusion- We provide an inclusive and safe space for people from diverse backgrounds, religions, ages, gender, sexual orientation, caste, age, ethnicity, and disability.
4. Integrity- We believe in transparency in every action within the organization and when dealing with our diverse stakeholders.
5. Respect- We respect all living beings and acknowledge their space in this ecosystem.
Where is our registered office?+
Our registered office is in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Where do we work? +
We work pan India based on the needs of partner and local community. We have worked in Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi.
What is mini forest? +
A mini-forest covers minimum four thousand trees, one water body or pond for animals, proper drip irrigation system, and a mini nursery to contain the seedlings. We create an environment through trees and water that rekindle the flora and fauna of that area and maintain a life support system for generations. We grow mini forest on Gram-panchayat land and nurture it till its fully sustained, then hand it over to local government or Panchayat. We prefer to grow in rural villages which are around metro cities and towns.
What is food forest? +
One food forest comprises of minimum 1000 trees, one small waterbody, drip irrigation system with one small vegetable garden area. Also one small temporary hut or mud house for people or care taker to live on the site. This food forest can add to the income of farmers or individuals and also can be the favorite place for children to enjoy and learn from nature. We create food forest on farmers’ and private land by planting fruits, vegetables, and fodder trees.
What is permaculture farm? +
Permaculture is all about setting up a permanent culture naturally with the help of nature, people and animals. It is based on the three principles which are peoples’ care, earth care, and fair share. Our team set up permaculture farms in rural areas and utilize them as learning centres where farmers come and get to know about the updated techniques used worldwide in agriculture sector.
Who are the target communities? +
We work with youth currently. We intend to work with diverse communities across India such as children, youth, women, migrant workers, Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribes, fishers, artisans, farmers, LGBTQIA+, disabled, senior citizens and refugees in the near future.
Who can join the organization?+
Any individual who is passionate about our causes and feels the need for an environment which encourages both personal and professional growth can join us by sending your resume on info@naukafoundation.org
Who runs the organization? +
The boat is navigated by a core team and a crew which includes Project Leads, Enterprise Support Leads, Field Leads, staffs and volunteers. There are external advisors with experience in social and corporate sector.
What are our funding sources?+
We are a CSR implementing agency and have 12A, 80G, and CSR1 certificates. We work on CSR funds and have our own programs from where we are generating funds.
How can you support? +
For individuals
You can support us through donations and/or skill-based or general volunteering based on your interest and experience. Our programmes/projects are focused on environment, education and livelihoods. Further, we will notify any vacancies on our website if any part-time or full time positions are available.
For Corporates
Corporates can contribute their CSR funds for programmes and projects. Employees from your company can provide pro bono volunteering support based on their skills and experience. We also conduct workshops on sustainability and environmental consciousness for employees.
For institutions and other organizations
Institutions in both public and private sectors can partner with us and support our programmes/projects. We encourage partnerships that are aligned to our goals and mission.
What is the minimum amount of contribution for donation? +
The minimum one time contribution which any individual can contribute to the foundation is one hundred rupees. Further, you can contribute in denominations of 500, 1000 and 5000. Recurring donations are also encouraged. Please check the details here (Link..)
Does a donor get 80G certificate? +
Yes, we do have 80G certification and all the donors get income tax rebate if they give any financial aid to the organization.
What is the % of donation that goes into the implementation of projects? +
We spend 80-85% of the amount of donated or obtained from corporates on project/programme implementation and 15-20% on administrative and operating expenses.
How does a donor verify the status of donation? +
The donor can verify the status of the donation through mails sent by the team after donation. The donor will be able to examine the contribution to both administration and program/project expenses.
How does a company benefit from our CSR projects?+
How does a company benefit?
Employee engagement
We motivate employees to participate in our live projects offline and online because employees who are engaged in social and philanthropic activities feel more fulfilled and engaged at workplaces. (* As per the report, employees feel satisfied if they are engaged in volunteering.)

Improved brand image and increased visibility
Increasingly, individuals are supporting organizations that are socially and environmentally conscious. The partnership could mutually benefit us through promotion to the general public about the philanthropic efforts, and by engaging directly with people from various backgrounds, we increase the chances of improving your visibility.

Transparency in reporting
As a responsible CSR partner, we prepare project progress reports and other required reports at regular intervals for partners to ensure transparency and efficiency in communication.

Positive impact on local communities and environment
The projects we plan and implement online or on the ground are highly customized according to the needs of local communities and the ecosystem. We ensure that our projects have a positive impact on the society and environment.

Pan India presence
Our organization is expanding and we believe that we can work across multiple geographies. Our team can work anywhere and we provide you the choice to carry out your projects nationwide.
How do we support companies? +
We support the companies in the research, design, and implementation of social and environmental projects which are customized and designed based on the needs of the community and the geographical location.
How can we partner with the organization? +
Our team acknowledges the potential of partnerships in bringing a large-scale impact on society and the environment. If your company/organization/institution is interested in partnering with us on projects/programs, please reach out to us at info@naukafoundation.org. We encourage partnerships that are aligned with our goals and mission.